We are pleased you have chosen to explore enrolling your child(ren) in our wonderful school. As you make this very important decision for your family we want to provide you with as much information as possible whether through this website or through a personal school tour. When we admit a student, we are also admitting the whole family to become part of our school family, so it is important that both the parents and students understand who we are so that you can prayerfully consider if FCS aligns with your core values and beliefs.
We teach our students of God's incredible love, forgiveness and mercy and want all our students to enter into a deep and growing relationship with Him. At FCS, we make policies and procedures in keeping with these deeply held convictions.
Following is the admissions criteria. Before you apply, please make sure you are in agreement with our admissions policy
Admissions Criteria:
The parent and student must regularly fellowship in a local church. Accordingly, FCS will not admit families that belong to or express faith in religions that deny the absolute Deity/Trinity of Jesus Christ as the one and only Savior and path to salvation. Furthermore, students and families are expected to manifest a Christian lifestyle by living life according to Biblical teachings as evidenced by the Statement of Faith.
In regards to academics, the student must have at least a C average in their CORE classes, be in good standing and have no exceptional disciplinary issues at his/her previous school.
Children must be 4 years old by August 31st to enter Pre-K or 5 years old by August 31st to enter Kindergarten. A child's birthday is always viewed in the full context of developmental maturity and will include physical, emotional and social development, as well as academic readiness.
Students entering Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten must be fully toilet trained. They should be able to identify when they need to use the bathroom and have the ability to communicate that to their teacher. While we understand that occasional accidents or medical issues will occur, if a student has frequent accidents, he/she will be required to stay home until he/she is fully trained or the medical issue is resolved.
We encourage 12th grade students to apply that are new to the area or are scheduled to
move to the Fayetteville region. We generally do not accept applications for seniors from local
schools that are seeking to transfer, unless there are compelling, extenuating
circumstances. -
We offer students the opportunity to re-class if it is academically beneficial to the student.